Based on a common community mediation process, our services are applicable to a wide range of issues.
Neighborhood Mediation
With issues ranging from lawn care and decoration to sound, parking, property rights, respect, and anything in between, neighborhood concerns and conflicts are our largest source of referrals.
Town Hall Meetings and Group Facilitation
We can facilitate meetings to help entire neighborhoods, communities, or other large groups process difficult issues and decisions where it important that everyone has a voice.
Family Mediation
In any family, complicated situations can develop involving children, property, changing relationships, or important life decisions. Our mediators can help families have the important discussions surrounding these tough issues.
Eldercare Mediation
The aging process is fraught with crossroads. When to give up car keys, planning additional in home assistance, or when to move into assisted living arrangements, and other similar milestones require the discussion and input of seniors and their concerned family members.
Police Citizen Mediation Services
Community Mediation Services of St. Louis has cultivated a partnership with the Internal Affairs Division of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department to offer mediation to citizens who have complaints about police conduct. We are one of only a few community mediation centers nationwide to offer police citizen mediation as part of its portfolio of services.