Community Mediation Services of St. Louis
Dr. John Doggette has helped grow community mediation in St. Louis since his arrival in 2007. He began as a volunteer mediator at Mennonite Peace Center, which provided mediators for Community Conflict Services. Since 2012, John has been the Executive Director of Mennonite Peace Center and Community Mediation Services of St. Louis, with the goal of building the program into a self-sustaining non-profit organization that provides mediation and conflict services throughout the St. Louis metropolitan area. John is also involved with numerous other restorative justice initiatives, including volunteer work to facilitate men’s groups with RAVEN and volunteer work at the St. Louis Workhouse.
Community Mediation Center, Knoxville, TN
John was one of eight mediators for the State of Tennessee, Division of Special Education, who was certified to provide mediation and conflict resolution between schools and families, as well as training to state and local government, business organizations, and neighborhood organizations. While serving as director of the Community Mediation Center, John also hosted Knox Neighbors, a weekly program on public access television.
Before mediation
Before becoming involved in community mediation, John Doggette was employed for 25 years by Oak Ridge Associated Universities, a contractor for the Department of Energy. He served as a division leader specializing in training and development support services to facilities across the nation.